
What is ParseArger ?

ParseArger is a bash library that generate standalone argument parsing, in bash.
It uses itself to parse it's own arguments, and generate the output.
For a whole project, it generates :
  • a project skeleton (optional but why do without ?)
  • standalone argument, option and flag parsing for scripts (bread and butter)
  • markdown documentation (it's not perfect, but it's there and easily up to date)
  • standalone bash completion script (a good dev is a lazy dev), uses Completely
  • An html form (to help teach people that command line applications, are faster.)
  • An installer script
  • A (very unsecure !!) web server that can handle calls to your program


# download the install script curl -s -O; # make it executable chmod +x get_parseArger; # install ./get_parseArger --install; # source bashrc, only needed once, modify according to your shell (if you don't know, it's the good one :D) source "$HOME/.bashrc" # generate a project parseArger project my-awesome-project \ --description "this is a cool project !" \ --git-repo "myRandomDevName/my_awesome_project" \ --project-subcommand my-script \ --project-subcommand another-script

Cool, but why ?

Ever wanted to clean-up some cool script you created by adding arguments, options and flags ?
Maybe Boss wants a magic script that does, yesterday, with a smile ! And guess what ? You got stuck with creating it, or even worse, maintaining it
Have you looked at the nightmare of bash option parsing ? I did, and I just wanted to burn my computer at the idea of so much boilerplate !
And what about cli completion ? And documentation ? wanna maintain that, eh ?
Oooh oooh, want to deal with this collegue still afraid of the dark (terminal window that would for sure use your program if there was a web UI) ?
Yeah, me neither, so I created this, ParseArger !

And nothing does that already ?

Yes, Yes there are existing stuff, but the neighbor's wheel is not round enough to my taste !
parseArger is based off of Argbash output, but I wanted a few more things, and, I didn't understand how it worked...
If you have bigger and more complex project, you should have a look at Bashly, I use Completely (part of Bashly) to generate the bash completion code, but I wanted the main code to be generated in bash, not ruby

It's gonna be one of those nerd tools, eh ?

Weeeelll, dude, You use it to create command line programs in bash..., if you are afraid of the command line, you ain't gonna have a good day that's for sure.
If not, this is just another command line program ;)
As it is built using itself, every command is documented using the `--help` flag, you have bash completion available, and you can find all information concerning arguments and options in the readme and documentation.

And whose using it ?

Heuuum, me, but in several projects of mine :
  • itself
  • sshm0 : A terminal based ssh server manager
  • StationIO : An arduino framework, used in the utility tools (create, upload, ...)
  • A bunch of my scripts for various tasks
ParseArger is kind of my bash script template thingy, I need a script, small & dumb ? complex & several scripts ? parseArger !
If you would like me to showcase your project, feel free to open an issue, I'll be happy to add it here !

How do I install it ?

Guess what ? I made a script for that ;-D ! # download the script curl -s -o get_parseArger; # NOW READ THE DAMN THING ! DO NOT RUN UNKNOWN SCRIPTS FROM THE INTERNET ! cat get_parseArger; # Or vim get_parseArger; # Or ... # add exec permission chmod +x get_parseArger; # get command help ./get_parseArger --help; # generic install ./get_parseArger --install; # reload your shell, change rc file accordingly source ~/.bashrc;

How do I use it ?

In all the following, I'll consider you have parseArger installed

Create a new script

More information for --pos, --opt, --flag and --nested # output to stdout parseArger generate [...] # output to file parseArger generate --output /path/to/script [...] # add an argument parseArger generate --output /path/to/script --pos 'my-argument "my argument description"' # add an option parseArger generate --output /path/to/script --opt 'my-option "my option description"' # add a flag parseArger generate --output /path/to/script --flag 'my-flag "my flag description"' # add a nested option parseArger generate --output /path/to/script --nested 'my-nested-opt "my nested option description"' # add an argument, 2 options, a flag and a nested option parseArger generate --output /path/to/script \ --pos 'my-argument "my argument description"' \ --opt 'my-option "my option description"' \ --opt 'my-other-option "my other option description"' \ --flag 'my-flag "my flag description"' \ --nested 'my-nested-opt "my nested option description"'

Parse an existing script

#output to stdout parseArger parse /path/to/script # parse in place parseArger parse /path/to/script -i # add an argument parseArger parse -i --pos 'my-new-argument "new argument description"' # add an option parseArger parse -i --opt 'my-new-option "new option description"' # add an flag parseArger parse -i --flag 'm-newy-flag "new flag description"' # add a nested option parseArger parse -i --nested 'my-nested-opt "my nested option description"' # update script version parseArger parse -i --set-version 1.2.3 # ...

Generate bash completion for an existing script

# creating bash completion for a script parseArger completely nameOfScript --file /path/to/script

Document an existing script

# creating documentation for a script to stdout parseArger document --file /path/to/script # creating documentation for a script to a file parseArger document --file /path/to/script --out /path/to/output/ # creating documentation for all scripts in a directory parseArger document --directory /path/to/scripts/directory

Generate bash completion for an existing script

# creating bash completion for a script parseArger completely nameOfScript --file /path/to/script

Generate an HTML form for an existing script

# creating form for a script to stdout parseArger html-form /path/to/script # creating form for a script to file parseArger html-form /path/to/script > /path/to/output/file.html

But I really don't like terminal apps, I prefer GUIs

Suuuure, you get the clicky-clik-tapy-tapotron 9001 right here.
You can generate your own with parseArger html-form and it could be a start to an electron app front for your bash scripts ( X.D ).
And because, I know, you are lazy, you have a web server written in bash that can call you program, how, cooool, is, that, uh ?

And you have a script for thaaaaaaaat....?

Why yes sir, sure do !
you should have a look at util/webserver !
Am about sure you'll find what you were lookin' for (but it ain't no droids...)

parseArger form

If you are afraid of the big mean terminal window (it is so, so dark, and and cursor is soooo....blinky)
It is generated automagically by the parseArger html-form command (it will generate the mighty command line so you can battle the terminal monster with the power of copy-paste !)

what to do
create file with command output at value
add output on top of file



Subcommand forms

bulk-parse form

new version
file to document
directory to document
document subdirectory


completely form

positional argument declaration
optional arg declaration
flag declaration
declare var
file to source
help message for the command
help option trigger
short help option
extra arguments variable name
version option name
version short option name
verbose option name
directory for subcommand target
completely command
extra yaml declaration
yaml file name
completion file name
generate version opt handling
generate verbose level parser
run completely


document form

file to document
directory to document
output file
markdown tag for title
prepend to next title tag level
documentation title
documentation title tag
document subdirectory
add to output file if it exists


generate form

positional argument declaration
optional arg declaration
flag declaration
declare var
file to source
help message for the command
help option trigger
short help option
extra arguments variable name
shebang executable
set version number
version option name
version short option name
die function name
log function name
verbose option name
default verbose level
accept extra arguments
include shebang
generate version opt handling
generate verbose level parser


html-form form

file to process
command string, default to file
form action
form html class
input container class
input class
label class
select class
checkbox and radio class
checkbox and radio class
checkbox and radio label class
parent form for result
display form
display button
create javascript, --no-js forces --no-result
display result


parse form

file to parse
add positional argument declaration
add optional arg declaration
add flag declaration
add declare var
add file to source
set version
replace parseArger generated content in place